Monday, October 29, 2007

There are Simply....

...not enough hours in the day. After dropping the children off at school this morning, I came home and exercised for 1/2 hour (seems to be all I can fit in). Then I worked on our Craft and Cookie sale for our church that will be held next month. After that, I headed out for lunch with friends (boy do I love 2-1/2 hours lunches)!! Then came home and attended to some personal business, did laundry, made dinner, ran our oldest son to one of his activities, came home and started bath water for our younger son, discovered a "Behavior Contract" in our older son's backpack (lovely) and sat down to discuss it with my husband, and then went back to pick our son up. It's now around 8:30 p.m. and I'm exhausted and yawning! That long lunch must have really tired me out!! I hope your home was more "peaceful" than mine today!!


candy said...

HI Paula :)
I was finally able to get thru to your blog. Blogger was down or wouldnt let me a couples times when I tried.
Anyways :) hope all is well. Just wanted to pop by and say HI :)


Kelli said...

Whew! I would love some more hours in my day too! Especially this week when I am trying to get things back to normal after vacation!

Anonymous said...

Well, my day was very similiar - rush, rush, rush, busy, busy, busy.

Now it's night and I'm relishing the fact that I get to jump into bed a in few minutes.

Have a nice rest!
