Monday, August 6, 2007

It's Hot

It was very hot on Sunday and is supposed to be very hot the rest of the week. Noone in our family likes the heat very well--we just don't function very well when the temperature gets too high. I told myself at the beginning of the summer that I was going to try to not complain about the heat--did very well until the past few week or so. With the heat, it is also very humid. Our windows are steamy. I will need to water the tomatoes and peppers today, along with the flowers. When it gets this hot, even the children have no desire to do anything outside. I do have lots of cleaning to do today, and will continue on with canning tomatoes. If I get a bit of energy later in the early evening, I may and try to mow the lawn, otherwise it may have to wait until it cools down a bit.

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